• 8/16/2023 3:15 PM

The Journey of Natural Stone Countertops: From Quarry to Your Kitchen

Ever wondered how natural stone gets from quarry to your kitchen? Learn how here!

  • 3/3/2021 11:35 AM

Versatility of Natural Stone in Commercial Spaces

Natural stone can help commercial spaces reach their LEED status, a ‘wow’ factor, an elegance and a seamless design throughout the entire building. These are some of the best commercial spaces that can benefit from implementing natural stone into their design and remodel.

  • 2/24/2021 11:10 AM

How Natural Stone Is Repaired

Even if you take excellent care of your stone, you may run into a problem that requires natural stone repair. If that is the case, here is what to expect.

  • 12/4/2019 7:39 AM

PT 2: Sedimentary stones

There are two common types of sedimentary stones on the market that GMS Werks offers homeowners and commercial spaces! 

  • 4/19/2017 6:00 AM

From Quarry To Countertop : Il Capo And The Apuan Alps

From afar, the Apuan Alps in Northwest Italy might look like they are covered in snowcaps, but that’s not snow you are looking at. The specks of white you see atop of the mountains is actually Carrara marble that has been quarried from the face of these mountains. Quarrying this beautiful marble has been going on for centuries and is the source of many famous sculptures throughout history.

  • 2/22/2017 8:46 AM

From Quarry to Countertop - “White Spiders” Part 2

The Tecchiaiolo use their flexibility, agility, and grace to quickly move across the face of the quarries: assessing dangers, removing impediments, and protecting the lives of those below them. This job is very demanding - both physically and mentally - as they dangle in the air and protect the lives of the quarrymen.

  • 2/15/2017 6:00 AM

From Quarry to Countertop - “White Spiders” Part 1

We’re often asked: “How do the workers in the quarries stay safe?” The answer lies with the brave climbers who work on the faces of the rock, chipping away unsafe portions and making sure the quarrymen working underneath them stay protected. These men are known as “The White Spiders,” “The Angels of Carrara,” or “Tecchiaiolo.”

We have been meeting the needs of both residential and commercial customers for over 90 years.